Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Finer Things in Life

Lunch with GaGa and Aunt Annie (and our new friend, Mr. Cup)

2 things you can always count on when dining out with Simone: a big smile and a dirty face

SiSi showing off her new talent, sticking out her tongue (Thanks, Dad!)

SiSi's first wine tasting... deciding on red or white

In with the casks....

We've got our swim gear and are ready to go!

Love playing in the water.....

But love playing with the cement on the side of the pool even more....

Exhausted after a big, fancy day

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Afternoon with Aunt Annie

Aunt Annie cracks me up......

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Grammie and Um-pa come to visit!

Chasing after pigeons and squirrels

Hanging on the grass at Penn

Um-pa explaining that Bubble Tea is not for babies.

Dad finding humor in SiSi's dirty mug

SiSi contemplating life's mysteries in her new (big girl) car seat

Aunt Steph, you've gotta admit I make this headband look Damn Good.

SiSi on the move, as usual.

SiSi and Dad wearing their playtime hats

Reading with Grammie. "Counting with Amy and Albert" is far less depressing than the last book Grammie read me!